How to create a BIO link on your

Lobee Team

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Now you've signed up and verified your account, your next step is to add a link! Follow these simple steps:

1. Log in to your Admin dashboard

2. Click 'Create Link’ button in the right side of the pannel

3. Give your link a title, this will appear in the button on your 

4. Next, add you desire URL and click "Create Bio Link Page"

5. Your link will now be live on your, to hide this link simply click the toggle button in the top right next to the Title.

Now it is time to change your profile image and theme settings, see HERE HOW.


If a link is not displaying on your it could be due to the following:

- You have not added a title

- Your link toggle is switched to 'off'

- You have not added a valid URL (make sure to add http:// or https:// before the URL)

- The link you have entered is considered unsafe or malicious

If you have any questions, please contact our customer support team by emailing [email protected]

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