What happens if I change my Instagram handle?

Lobee Team

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Don't worry about this!

When you change your Instagram handle, you will still have access to your existing Lob.ee account. However, your Lob.ee bio link will not automatically update to your new Instagram handle. 

You dont need to create a new Lob.ee  account for your new Instagram profile name.

Changed your Instagram name?

If you want your Lob.ee to match, you’ll need a new one too.

Please following the steps:

1. If you change your Instagram name, it won’t automatically update on your Lob.ee account. If you want your Lob.ee bio link to reflect your new Instagram handle, you will need to login to your Lob.ee account.

2. Go to your links Page 

3. Choose the BIO LINK you want to change, go to settings and in the  Short URL field change the username.


If you have issued a qr-code or have your BIO LINK in various places and social networks it should be replaced with the new one URL.

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